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Mostrando entradas de 2019


It's been a busy month in Tarrío! First, it was Thanksgiving last week and the students celebrated with some Thanksgiving themed activities! At the beginning of class, students learned about Thanksgiving history, traditions, and food, before sharing what they were thankful for. Then, in 3rd and 4th grade, the students colored and cut out paper turkeys and decorated each feather with something they were thankful for.   The younger kids also made hand turkeys with paint! Not pictured are origami hand turkeys that the 5th and 6th graders did!  (For the link to the video tutorial on that, click here )  Before Thanksgiving, the preschool students made paper rainbows by arranging scraps of paper together. Here is some of their work! Meanwhile, in arts and crafts class, the kids have been working on a few different projects. The 5th and 6th graders have finished their Xurxo Alonso paintings and below are some of t...

Halloween in Tarrío

Halloween was this past week and the students in Tarrío were working on a bunch of different activities! In groups of four or five, the 6th graders were writing advertisements pretending that haunted houses were for sale. Then they created paintings of them to accompany the ads. Meanwhile, the 5th graders got in the mood for Halloween by reading a story about a boy's adventures on a dark, dark night, then wrote and illustrated their own. Here is the 5th A video. And the 5th B one. And last but not least, the 5th C video. Finally, in arts and crafts class, students were cutting out pieces of felt, foam, wax paper, magazines, and other materials to look like sailboats, the last part of a sea-themed Xurxo Alonso painting they hadn't yet completed.  
Students have been busy in art class! The younger students have been working with clay to create key chains and the older students are using geometric shapes to create a picture. Check out some of their work!

Spring activities

Spring has sprung! The students are enjoying the warmer weather (when it's not raining!). They have been preparing for Easter in art class by creating Easter egg wreaths. They started from a scratch piece of paper and let their imaginations run wild to create these colorful wreaths! 6th grade students were able to practice their knowledge of vocabulary and modal verbs by playing some games this week. They got into teams to be the first person to correctly write a profession vocabulary word on the white board. The teams showed great support to their members and they got a good review of the words!


Students prepared to celebrate Carnival by creating their own masks in art class! They used various materials to create their detailed and colorful masks. Although Carnival isn't celebrated in the United States, the students used their English skills to describe what happens during Carnival. Spring is coming soon, so the students are preparing by creating flowers in art class. The oldest students are using egg cartons to cut and paint to form into a flower. The younger students are using a template to cut out various sized flower petals to put together to create a flower. The students are ready for spring! 

Valentine's Day

This week students got into the Valentine's Day spirit! After learning about how Valentine's Day is celebrated in the United States (elementary schools have classroom parties and give valentines to all their classmates) students at Tarrío were able to write acronym poems to express their Valentine's Day feelings. The upper level students also created their own Valentine's Day dinner menu and made paper roses. So much love was shown this week!