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Summer activities for 1st and 2nd graders

Hello little ones! I hope you are doing alright!!! Ya que el verano está cada vez más cerca, en esta última entrada trabajaremos con vocabulario relacionado.  Primero, os propongo poneros en movimiento con esta canción veraniega tan marchosa. Pinchad en en link para ver el vídeo en youtube.  I Love Summertime Escuchadla cuantas veces queráis, bailad, saltad e intentad aprenderla. Fijaos bien en las palabritas que aparecen  (ocean, mountains, river, beach...) ¿Conocéis alguna? ¿Cuales son vuestras actividades de verano favoritas? ¿Os gusta ir a la playa o preferís un picnic en la montaña? En este enlace tenéis vocabulario relacionado con la playa. Pinchad encima de cada objeto para escuchar cómo se pronuncia en inglés y repetidlo como si fueseis ingleses!!! Beach Vocabulary Task for 1st graders: os propongo realizar esta ficha interactiva. Pinchad en la imagen, escuchad y luego elegid la palabra correcta. Listen and choose Task for 2nd graders: a...

For 4th graders

Hi guys! Here you have some listening exercises for practising with hobbies . After like you should use a verb with -ing form, as in the example: Susan likes dancing. Other chance for you to practice:

For 3rd graders

Hi guys! Do you remember when you should use do or does? Here you have an easy exercise to practice it. One more easy exercise with present simple . In preview lessons we learn how to use can / can´t, so now you can check if you remember in this link .

Hi guys of 3rd grade!

How are you? I really hope you all are OK. Here you have an easy exercise to review the present simple. Did you get it? So try a new one . Do you remember likes and dislikes? You can practice with this listening exercise , decide if it´s true or false.


Hello there, little ones! Aquí os dejo una actividad interactiva en la que tenéis que pinchar en los altavoces para escuchar la palabra y luego escoger el medio de transporte correcto. Prestad mucha atención y allá vamos!! Pinchad en el enlace al final y no os olvidéis de darle a finalizar para corregirlo. Mucho ánimos chic@s!


Hello there lovely ones! Espero que lo estéis pasando bien. Aquí os dejo una actividad interactiva donde tendréis que pinchar en el altavoz para escuchar la palabra y luego arrastrar el juguete correcto encima.  Concentraros y allá vamos!!!  Pinchad en el enlace para acceder y no os olvidéis de darle a finalizar para saber cuántas habéis acertado.  Mucho ánimo!! Seguid así!!

3rd graders

Hi kids!  I would like you to review some useful verbs for keeping at date and don´t forget all you have learned. So this time we are working with do / does (for questions and negative sentences)/ ´s ( you have to add it to the verb in the 3rd person in affirmative sentences).

First and second grader's review

Hello, my little ones! Today's post is going to be a little bit different as I'm not attaching any activity. Instead, I thought it would be great for you to make a review of all the things we learnt during the course. I've created an infographic so you can go all over the units, reviewing the most important vocabulary and structures in each one.  You should touch the interactive buttons to see the vocabulary and the links to review songs and videos.  I hope you like it!! La entrada de hoy va a ser un poco diferente ya que no os enlazo ninguna actividad concreta. He pensado, que sería bueno para vosotros hacer una revisión sobre todo lo que hemos visto y aprendido este curso, cuando todavía estábamos en las aulas. Para ello he creado unas infografías por curso, para que podáis hacer un recorrido con lo más importante de cada unidad.   Tocad en los elementos interactivos para ver el vocabulario y también para acceder a enlaces de canciones y vídeos de repaso. ¿...

Weather games

Hello there, little ones! How are you today? In order to complement the work we've been doing in in the platform and so as not to forget we should also have fun, today I'm posting some weather-related games so you can practice such vocabulary. HERE WE GO! Para completar el trabajo de la plataforma y no olvidarnos de jugar, hoy os traigo diferentes juegos para que podáis practicar el vocabulario relacionado con el tiempo atmosférico y no se nos olvide. Allá vamos! Better suited for first graders:  Weather match Weather choose Better suited for second graders: Weather cruise Weather farm Now both 1st and 2nd graders can try to play pacman with this weather version Weather pacman I hope you all enjoy these games! See you

3rd and 4th grade

Hi kids! I hope you are spending a good time. I miss you . If  you want to practise how to write numbers , please click here  or there . 3rd grade: Continue practising your food vocabulary in the next link . 4 th grade: Don´t forget about jobs vocabulary you have learned, so click here to practise. I think you can learn and enjoy at the same time.


Hello everyone! I hope you are doing fine! Hoy quiero proponeros un trabajo un poco más específico para repasar los miembros de la familia. LET'S GO!!! Activity 1. Lo primero que os propongo es observar esta imagen durante varios segundos... Cuántas palabritas recuerdas? Activity 2.  Para la segunda actividad, tendréis que pinchar en el siguiente enlace.  Family listening and activities   Este es un ejercicio de escuchar, así que abrid bien vuestras orejas!!! Una vez que entréis, veréis un pequeño texto. NO tenéis que leerlo, deberéis pinchar en el símbolo del altavoz para escucharlo. Podéis repetirlo las veces que necesitéis. Una vez acabado, tenéis diferentes actividades interactivas en la parte inferior. OJO, hay 3 variedades de ejercicios pinchando en "complete", "wordsearch" y finalmente "true/false" Activity 3. Por último, podéis descargar esta worksheet de actividades o descargar este estupendo Family Tree para crear ...


Hello everybody!!  How are you doing? Esta vez, he pensado en proponeros un repaso más especifico. COMENCEMOS!!! Activity 1. Os propongo repasar "parts of the house vocabulary". Para ello quiero que echéis un vistazo a este póster y después respondáis unas preguntas. ¿Cuántas de estas palabritas recuerdas?  ¿Hay alguna que no conozcas? ¿Qué crees que significan? ¿Conoces alguna otra habitación que no aparezca?  ¿Podrías escribirla? Activity 2.  This is a LISTENING ACTIVITY así que prestad mucha atención. Pinchando en  ESTE ENLACE  accederéis a varias actividades interactivas. Primero tendréis que escuchar el a Jhon describiendo su casa. Pincharéis en el símbolo del altavoz y podréis repetirlo cuantas veces os apetezca. Cuando acabéis, os deslizaréis a la parte inferior, allí tendéis 3 actividades diferentes pinchando en los títulos "complete", "wordsearch" y "true/false". ACTIVITY 3. Por último, podéis descarga...

Family boardgame

Hello there little ones!! I hope everyone is doing alright. Since we are still confined at home, and sometimes being locked can be a little bit boring, I think it is the perfect time to play some games with our family.  So be quick, get your family together and LET'S GET STARTED!!! Espero que todos esteis bien. Como todavía estamos confinados en casa, y a veces eso puede ser un poco aburrido, creo que es el momento perfecto para proponer un juego en familia. Así que RÁPIDO, reúne a toda tu familia y EMPECEMOS!!! In order to play this bordgame, you just need a DIZE and the picture I'm posting (you can either print it or play the game just looking at the screen). To play the game you need to follow the next instructions: Para jugar solo necesitareis un dado y el tablero que os cuelgo (podéis imprimirlo si tenéis la oportunidad o jugar mirando por la pantalla). Las reglas son las siguientes: 1. Make a different paper ball for each of your family member participating. Ca...

Welcome back!

Hey hey hey little ones! Welcome back. To keep you motivated, today I dare all of you to complete this interactive crossword to review family members. To do it, first you have to press on the reproduction button on the left to hear the family  member that correspond to each space (numbered). Then you have to recall how it is written and complete it!! Remember that you can always look for the correct written form of each word above. At the end you just have to press the "check" button to see if you did it correctly.  Let's go!! Family members game Bienvenidos de nuevo. Para manteneros  motivados, hoy os propongo que completéis este crucigrama para repasar los miembros de la familia. Para ello, primero tendréis que pulsar en el botón de reproducir de la izquierda para escuchar qué palabra se corresponde con cada espacio (está numerado). Después tendréis que intentar recordar cómo se escribía la palabra que escuchéis, aunque no olvidéis que tenéis la forma escrita corr...

Easter is coming!!

Hello little ones!! As you may know, Easter time is coming, so today I bring you an idea to make an easy easter-related craft. Ask your family for help and just enjoy this activity!! You just need a piece of paper, glue and scissors. OFF YOU GO!  Here you have a video to help you Como sabéis, la Pascua se acerca así que hoy os he traído una genial idea para que hagáis una manualidad relacionada. Pedidle ayuda a vuestra familia y disfrutad juntos de esta actividad!! Tan solo necesitareis unos folios de papel, pegamento y tijeras. ALLÁ VAMOS! Aquí os dejo un vídeo para seguir. 3D EASTER EGGS

Enjoy the Easter!

Hi kids!! If you want to know how english speakers celebrate Easter, you can watch this video, click on the following link: Here it is a funny video: Hope you enjoy!! Luz.


Hello guys!!!! How are you??? I hope you are all fantastically well... The truth is that I miss you so much and send you all my love from home, of course. As Easter time approaches I bring you an activity to do at home related to Easter. It consists of making an Easter Bunny using material that we may have at home. I leave you a link where you can see how this Bunny is made. I would love that you upload a photo to the following address to have a look at the results. Take care and a huge kiss. Lucía.   ✱ Remember that you need a ceiptarrio account to upload the photo.

3rd grade

Hi kids! I'm Luz. How are you? Technology connect us in this strange and difficult moment . Let me show you some links to continue learning and practising the vocabulary from this unit in a more funny way. You can find lots of exercise. Hope you enjoy!


Hello everyone!  I hope everyone is fine. Today I'm posting this woorksheet to make you practice your artistic skills and draw this wonderful animals. Have fun with it and... TRY YOUR BEST. Espero que tod@as estéis fenomenal. Hoy os dejo una ficha-guía para que pongáis en práctica vuestras habilidades artísticas y dibujéis estos maravillosos animales. DAD LO MEJOR DE VOSOTROS!

The jungle bunch

Hello there little kids!  Quarantine is getting longer than we expected but no worries, I have the perfect recipe to fight boredom.  Today I'm leaving you this link to watch a hilarious TV show on clan TV called "The jungle bunch". The jungle is the most fun place thanks to these cute and crazy animals and their mission to fight injustice. Maurice , a penguin who looks like a dangerous tiger, always accompanied by his adoptive son Junior , a tiger fish; Miguel , the tough but extra-loving gorilla; Gilbert , the paranoid tarsier; Al and Bob , the toads; Fred , the boar and Batricia , the bat that is afraid of the dark. All together they will be affected like the heroes of the jungle. The jungle bunch- Surprise! This is just the first episode, if you like it, please feel free to continue the show!!


Hello there!  A new week starts and new activities are ready for all of you. Today I bring a challenging and fun activity for my 2nd graders. It is time to review the vocabulary we have learn so I dare you to complete this interactive crossword. To do it, you may have to recall the means of transport you already know (and how to spell them)Means of transport crossword. Concentrate yourself and... OFF YOU GO! Means of transport crossword To keep all of you working, I also have a bit more easy memory game to review the school supplies for my 1st  graders. Train your memory with this game and see how many attempts you need to find all the pairs! Note: try to read the matching words. School supplies memory game


Hello my dear students! How's everybody? Today I have a hilarious proposal for you. I'm sure everybody knows tongue-twisters, these complicated, short sentences that make your tongue go wrong because of the similar sounds they have. Have a look at this video and see how complicated and FUN they are. Now, I dare you to do the same with some more simple ones:   - Red lorry, yellow lorry.   - I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream.  Dont't worry if you are not able to do it, it takes lot of practice!!  Finally, I give you the solutions to the animal word search I posted yesterday.


My dear students,  Hello everybody! How are you today?  I hope everyone is doing fine. This is the second post for my little kids (1st and 2nd graders).  I'll try to update the blog and recommend you some new activities.  Today I'll dare you to solve this farm animal word search. TRY YOUR BEST!  Don't get impatient, the solutions will come tomorrow!

3rd and 4th Grade English Games!

Here are some fun English games for 3rd and 4th graders! The 4th grade vocabulary pertains to jobs and professions, while the 3rd grade games have to do with food.  4th grade: For a fun jobs game where you study vocabulary, do some matching, and learn what each profession does, click  here ! To practice jobs vocabulary with a matching exercise, check out this link! Finally, to guess different jobs based on their descriptions, click here ! 3rd grade: Try this game matching pictures of food to their names! For vocabulary and spelling practice with food, try this game!  Links again: For 4th: learnenglishkids. 17877 cloze-jobs-2.htm For 3rd:  learnenglishkids. food-1 Have fun!!

Valentine's Day and more Arts & Crafts

This past month, students in Tarrío celebrated Valentine's Day by learning about customs in the U.S. and doing crafts! Activities were split by age group. While the 5th and 6th graders watched a presentation on how Valentine's Day is traditionally celebrated in America, the younger students worked on decorating cards for their friends and family.   In Arts & Crafts class, students have been working on a variety of cool projects. The 3rd and 4th graders have been finishing up their Luis Seoane paintings, while the 5th and 6th graders were hard at work using a shading technique to color circles they had drawn.         Each class has also been recreating paintings from a famous Galician painter. Pictured here is 6th C working on a Xurxo Alonso painting, but other painters include Urbano Lugrís and Luis Seoane.

Christmas Story Time!

Before Christmas this year, every class came to the school library to hear a Christmas story in English and do an activity! The preschoolers read a book called Aliens Love Panta Claus , and afterwards decorated their own pairs of foam underwear with glitter, stickers, and other designs!  The 3rd and 4th graders read a story called Stick Man then made cutouts of the main character decorated with colored translucent paper.     Finally, in 5th and 6th grade, the students read a book called The Jolly Christmas Postman before playing a board game that was included with the story.