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Family boardgame

Hello there little ones!!
I hope everyone is doing alright. Since we are still confined at home, and sometimes being locked can be a little bit boring, I think it is the perfect time to play some games with our family. 
So be quick, get your family together and LET'S GET STARTED!!!

Espero que todos esteis bien. Como todavía estamos confinados en casa, y a veces eso puede ser un poco aburrido, creo que es el momento perfecto para proponer un juego en familia. Así que RÁPIDO, reúne a toda tu familia y EMPECEMOS!!!

In order to play this bordgame, you just need a DIZE and the picture I'm posting (you can either print it or play the game just looking at the screen). To play the game you need to follow the next instructions:

Para jugar solo necesitareis un dado y el tablero que os cuelgo (podéis imprimirlo si tenéis la oportunidad o jugar mirando por la pantalla). Las reglas son las siguientes:

1. Make a different paper ball for each of your family member participating.
Cada participante tiene que hacerse, por ejemplo con papel de diferentes colores, una ficha/bolita.
2. Place all the balls in the "START" box.
Colocar todas las fichas en la casilla "START".
3. Take turns to roll the dize.
En turnos, tirar el dado
4. Move as many boxes as the dize says, following the numbers
Desplazarse tantas casillas como marca el dado siguiendo los números del tablero
5. Once you stop in a box, say the name of the classroom item aloud. You won't lose your turn until you make a mistake.
Cuando caigais en una casilla, deberéis decir el nombre del objeto que aparece. No perderéis el turno hasta que os equivoquéis, a no ser que caigáis en la casilla 4 o 12, donde perderéis el turno, o en la 11, donde deberéis tirar de nuevo el dado.
6. If you feel confortable enough, you can try to spell the word in the box you are in or write it down in a piece of paper.
Para los más atrevidos, podéis intentar deletrear las palabras que os salen o escribirlas en una hoja para poder continuar. 


2. Ruler
3. Scissors
5. Pen
6. Pencil case
7. Glue
8. Table
9. Notebook
10. Pen
13. folder
14. Rubber
15. Computer
16. Book
17. Chair
19. Board

Feel free to write a comment sharing your experience!!
Si queréis, podéis animaros a dejar un comentario compartiendo vuestra experiencia!!


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Welcome to Tarrio's English blog!


Hello guys!!!! How are you??? I hope you are all fantastically well... The truth is that I miss you so much and send you all my love from home, of course. As Easter time approaches I bring you an activity to do at home related to Easter. It consists of making an Easter Bunny using material that we may have at home. I leave you a link where you can see how this Bunny is made. I would love that you upload a photo to the following address to have a look at the results. Take care and a huge kiss. Lucía.   ✱ Remember that you need a ceiptarrio account to upload the photo.